All-in-One Marketing Agency
CRM Social Media, SEO and Web Development
PurplePages offers your company smart tools and customized solutions. Our free CRM application and loyalty card, social media management and review processing - help you reach, engage and grow your business. Let's build your success story together!We build everything you need, and if you want, you only pay for results.

Let's bring your vision together

Natalie Lindholm
Natalien tarina
"I studied to be a graphic designer and found my passion for UI design—creating websites and mobile apps. Growing up in a small family business, I know how difficult it can be to adapt to change as I myself have been in that situation. My goal is to help companies succeed and overcome the challenges of the digital world."




Miten hallinnoida arvosteluja tehokkaasti?
Kutsu asiakkaasi jakamaan kokemuksiaan helposti esimerkiksi sähköpostilla, tekstiviesteillä tai QR-koodeilla, jotka vievät suoraan arvostelulomakkeeseen. Keskity positiivisten arvostelujen keräämiseen keskeisillä alustoilla, kuten Google ja TripAdvisor, vahvistaaksesi näkyvyyttäsi ja uskottavuuttasi. Käsittele negatiiviset palautteet yksityisesti, hyödynnä niitä parannuskohteiden tunnistamiseen ja osoita sitoutumisesi asiakastyytyväisyyteen.
Miksi yrityksesi tarvitsee verkkosivuston?
Verkkosivut ovat yrityksesi digitaalinen käyntikortti, joka houkuttelee asiakkaita ja erottuu kilpailijoista. Hyvin suunnitellut ja toimivat sivut tarjoavat tärkeää tietoa sujuvasti, parantavat asiakaskokemusta ja vahvistavat brändiviestintää. Ne eivät vain tue myyntiä, vaan myös rakentavat vahvaa digitaalista läsnäoloa ja vievät liiketoimintasi uudelle tasolle.
One Click One Deal
Post deals on Google - For Free
Loyalty Card
Increase your sales 25% by rewarding your clients
Post interactive content
Keep you customers engaged by simple and engaging content
Free online Platform
Effortlessly manage your website and spaces, integrate social media, schedule timed content, and create stunning menus or price lists with ready-made templates

Website development begins with an initial consultation, where we listen to the client's needs, goals, and vision to create a tailored plan.
During the design phase, we create the website's appearance and structure, considering the brand, user experience, and functionality, while providing visual prototypes to support the client's goals.
After the approved design, we program the website, adding responsiveness and SEO. We test its functionality across all devices, fix any issues, and optimize it before launch.
During the launch phase, we perform final checks, publish the website, ensure its functionality, and continuously monitor its performance.
Website development begins begins with an initial consultation, where we listen to the client's needs, goals, and visions to create a tailored plan.
During the design phase, we create the website's appearance and structure, considering the brand, user experience, and functionality, while providing visual prototypes to support the client's goals.
After the approved design, we program the website, adding responsivness and SEO. We test its functionality across all devices, fix any issues, and optimize before launch.
During the launch phase, we preform final checks, publish the website, ensure its functionality, and continuously monitor its performance.

This is the space to introduce the Services Briefly describe the types of services offered.
Data Encryption
This is the space to introduce the Services Briefly describe the types of services offered.
Text alerts
This is the space to introduce the Services Briefly describe the types of services offered.

Ready to develop your brand?
Let's realize your vision together
Natalie Lindholm
Yhteisperustaja & UI-suunnittelun asiantuntija